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In addition to the FAQ below, the Steam Page may also contain useful information.

VELOCIBLASTER is a multiplayer VR aerial combat game (PvP) where you blast away your enemies as a sentient velociraptor. You wield two powerful, high-tech blaster cannons that can switch weapon modes and fire a variety of exotic weapons. The blaster cannons are also equipped with rocket thrusters, allowing you to fly around (similar to a jet pack). Check out our website and trailer to learn more about VELOCIBLASTER and see it in action!

2. Can I play it right now?
Not yet, BUT we want to include the VELOCIBLASTER Discord community as alpha testers as soon as we can! VELOCIBLASTER is under development and multiplayer is up and running (and holy smokes it's fun) but we still need to scale up the underlying tech in order to support a large number of players. Check out the next question for more info.

3. When can I play VELOCIBLASTER?
We're aiming to open it up to a limited number of alpha testers (this could be you) in Q1 of 2025. Then we plan to do a public early access release in Q4 of 2025. (Note that these are our best estimates and this timeline may change.) We're really looking forward to getting members of the VELOCIBLASTER Discord community on board as alpha testers!

4. How do I access the Discord server or invite friends to it?
Use the invite link:

5. I'm a journalist or content creator. Is there a press kit?
Here's the press kit:
Please reach out directly if you'd like to chat further or ask any questions:

6. What weapons will be in the game?
We've developed a projectile-based weapon system in such a way that allows us to build a variety of super fun, exotic weapon types. We'll continue to add more weapons (and are open to new weapon suggestions from the community) but so far we have:

  1. Plasma Cannon - The "standard issue" weapon that shoots balls of plasma energy.
  2. Pulse Blaster - A rapid fire (fully-automatic) weapon that shoots energy bolts. (It's very fun to chase someone down with this 😁)
  3. Ice Blaster - A weapon that shoots ice shards in a shotgun-style pattern. Deadly at closer range.
  4. ElectroBolt - A lighting bolt electricity weapon. Slower fire rate but it's pretty accurate and deals significant damage. You can see all of these weapons in action in our trailer!

7. What else can we expect?
For the alpha, we're focusing on the core gameplay and getting the core weapon lineup feeling good (above), but in the future we plan to add power ups as pickups that you can find in the map. 🙂 Some initial ideas for power ups are: double damage, unlimited ammo, temporary invincibility, temporary invisibility, radar, and turbo jet speed. Do you have another power up idea? Drop a suggestion in our Discord!